PlayOrFold - poker analytical software based on PokerTracker 4 holdem hands history.
Prerequisite: PostgreSQL must be installed and it must contain PokerTracker 4 database.
Using PlayOrFold you can:
- select data from PokerTracker 4 database and analyze you results on hole cards matrix;
- filter calculated values by position, preflop action (only for Heads Up) and effective stack range;
- choose values (BB/100 hands) are shown in hole cards matrix and hole cards ranges: BB Won | BB Expected Won | BB Won vs Fold | BB Expected Won vs Fold.
“BB Won” shows your actual value.
”BB Expected Won” shows your expected value.
”BB Won vs Fold” shows your actual value comparing to fold option.
For example:
- if you are not SB or BB and there was no Ante, “BB Won vs Fold” is equal to “BB Won”;
- if you are SB, “BB Won vs Fold” is equal to “BB Won” + 0,5 BB for each hand
- if you are BB, “BB Won vs Fold” is equal to “BB Won” + 1 BB for each hand.
So if you have played 100 hands as BB and your actual value is -60 BB (-0,6 BB/100 hands), your “BB Won vs Fold” value is +40 BB (+0,4 BB/100 hands).
”BB Expected Won vs Fold” shows your expected value comparing to fold option.