Planning A Recording Studio

OS X 10.9
Do you want to build a recording studio? Where do you begin? This course demystifies the planning process and teaches how to get your studio designed and built! App Features: • 78 minutes of video training • Super clear explanations • Offline Playback (no internet connection needed) • Easy to navigate Course Outline: 1. Introduction (02:04) 2. Planning a Studio (00:54) 3. The 5 Year Goal (02:47) 4. How Do You Work? (01:48) 5. Analysis Paralysis (06:50) 6. Ergonomics and Health (05:22) 7. Budget (02:32) 8. Philosophies of Gear Selection (06:22) 9. Studio Site Selection (05:06) 10. Don't Bother the Neighbors (01:16) 11. Time to Brainstorm (04:01) 12. Studio Acoustics (01:46) 13. Room Modes and Minimizing (04:41) 14. Early Reflections (01:39) 15. Reverb Time (00:50) 16. Tools to Control Sound (01:03) 17. Understanding Sound Absorption Coefficients (02:28) 18. Absorption (04:12) 19. Diffusion (01:43) 20. Isolation: Mass (02:35) 21. Decoupling (02:28) 22. Building a Good Sounding Room (01:07) 23. How Much Treatment Do I Need? (03:02) 24. Placement: Control Room (03:57) 25. Placement: Studio Live Room (03:11) 26. Placement: Isolation Room (04:34)