OS X 10.6.6
••••••• Launch period, 50% off for a limited time! Optimized for Yosemite. ••••••• What if pixels weren't necessarily supposed to look like little squares and sit in the so-called "right order"? What if what we call "real", "true", "figurative" images were not the only way our World can be represented? What if photographic data was just... data? What if it could be reinterpreted? Set your own parameters, choose a default pattern or use your own texture file in png format, import some photographic data to process and let the magic happen! Then save the results to a lossless image file on your machine and print images with resolutions up to 8192 by 8192 pixels. No less. Find out more about this and discover the iPhone app at http://www.smallab.org/pixel-is-data/ or on Instagram at http://instagram.com/smallab and by searching for #pixelisdata on Instagram, Twitter & Facebook. Pixel is Data was featured on Fast Company: "Create Amazing Pixel Art With This Free iPhone App" > http://www.fastcodesign.com/1672576/create-amazing-pixel-art-with-this-free-iphone-app And featured on CreativeApplications.net: "‘Pixel is Data’ by Matthieu Savary reorders pixels in your photos" > http://www.creativeapplications.net/cinder/pixel-is-data-by-matthieu-savary-reorders-pixels-in-your-photos/ Also discover a lot of nice comments on the iOS App Store, such as: "Unique like mini pieces of art […] Very unique photography idea!" by Katherine717 - Version 2.24 - Sep 8, 2015 "It's Simple, Random Fun […] This is what I consider a novelty app" by Deeashley - Version 2.2 - Aug 19, 2015 "Surprisingly impressive!" by MadameBerry - Version 2.0 - Feb 16, 2015 "I want to give it six stars" by Long words - Version 2.0 - Dec 10, 2014 "Very impressed" by 4637bob - Version 2.0 - Dec 2, 2014 #PixelArt #RealityIsOverrated #GoMakeArt #PixelisData