Pixea is an image viewer for macOS with a nice minimal modern user interface. Pixea works great with JPEG, HEIC, PSD, RAW, WEBP, PNG, GIF, and many other formats. Provides basic image processing, including flip and rotate, shows a color histogram, EXIF, and other information. Supports keyboard shortcuts and trackpad gestures. Shows images inside archives, without extracting them. And it's free!
Pixea 极简式图片浏览软件
Pixea 是一款免费的极简式的 macOS 图片浏览软件,支持丰富的图片格式,可以用键盘,trackpad 同时操作浏览,可显示 EXIF 信息、配色柱状图等信息,除此之外,压缩包里的图片也可以免解压缩直接用 Pixea 来浏览。 Pixea 的设计非常落落大方,打开后选取图片或某个图片存放目录即...