
OS X 10.9
* 7 Day forecast for any spot in the 50 United States, Puerto Rico, and Guam. * Uses National Weather Service Digital Forecast Database, a unique and accurate forecast for every 5 kilometer (3.1 mile) square. * Display sunrise/set for any location chosen. * No ads, ever. * Temperature, Wind Chill, Heat Index, Dew Point, Relative Humidity, Probability of Precipitation, Precipitation Amount, Snow Amount, Wave Height, Wind Speed/Direction, Clouds, Weather Type. * Display only the weather you want. * Over 41,000 cities and points of interest in the database, add as many as you want, anyplace you want. * Keep a list of favorite locations for easy callback. * Display "Apparent Temperature" - Heat index or Wind Chill index as the weather determines. * Display temperature in Degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius. * Display wind in MPH, Knots, Meters/Second, or Km/Hour. * Display 24 hour storm total snow or rain. * In the Preferences panel, you set set the QPF/Snow scale to one of three fixed values, or let it scale to the data. The weather forecasts come from the National Weather Service and cover every square inch of the United States, Puerto Rico, and Guam. Set up the default to be the forecast for your house. Add a new location for your favorite backcountry campground. Type in a City, ST and get the forecast for anywhere in the country. Add your own points for your favorite camping, hiking, fishing, vacation locations. You are not limited to cities, you can add any latitude/longitude pair that is covered by the grid. The country is covered by a 5 kilometer grid with a unique forecast over each 5 kilometer square (3.1 miles). If there is a long fuse Watch/Warning/Advisory in effect for your location, one mouse click brings up the text discussion for the hazard. Display the weather parameters you want including Temperature, Dew Point, Relative Humidity, Probability Of measurable Precipitation, Wind, Cloud cover, Rain and Snow amounts. Choose one, or all of the parameters, the choice is yours.