Pilates Reformer 2016

OS X 10.11
The Pilates Reformer is a brilliant piece of fitness equipment that you can easily use in the comfort of your own home as well as in the gym. There are many ways that Reformer can be used in your daily fitness regime. This collection of over 400 Pilates Reformer Training Videos will bring you up to speed and show you exactly what you can do. App features ** Edit the video title, subtitle and keep your own set of user notes. ** Move the video around it's group and even change it's group. ** Make videos your favourites and give them your own rating ** Search by title or notes ** View by favourites or rating ** View by history the last ten played or visited videos Videos include: Pilates Reformer Beginner - Knee Stretch - Scooter Pilates Reformer Beginner - Kneeling Abdominals Facing Back Pilates Reformer Beginner - Leg Circles Pilates Reformer Beginner - Knee Stretch Pilates Reformer Beginner - Long Box - Scapula Stabilistation Pilates Reformer Beginner - Prone Arm Work - Plough Pilates Reformer Beginner - Mermaid Pilates Reformer Beginner - Knee Stretch - Scooter Pilates Reformer Beginner - Kneeling Abdominals Facing Back Pilates Reformer Beginner - Leg Circles Pilates Reformer Beginner - Frog Pilates Reformer Exercises Elephant Pilates Reformer Exercise Pilates Reformer Exercises Lower Lift Leg Extension Pilates Reformer Exercise Pilates Reformer Exercises Down Up Pilates Reformer Exercise Pilates Reformer Exercises Mermaid Pilates Reformer Exercise Pilates Reformer Exercises Hundred Traditional Pilates Reformer Exercise Pilates Reformer Exercises Table Top Pilates Reformer Exercise Pilates Reformer Exercises Single Thigh Stretch Pilates Reformer Exercise Pilates Reformer Exercises Leg Circles Pilates Reformer Exercise Pilates Reformer Exercises One Leg Bent Pilates Reformer Exercise Pilates Reformer Exercises First Position Pilates Reformer Exercise Pilates Reformer Exercises Heels on Bar Pilates Reformer Exercise Pilates Reformer Exercises High Half Toe Pilates Reformer Exercise Pilates Intermediate Reformer Workout - Sally Anderson Pilates Intermediate Reformer Workout - Benjamin Degenhardt Pilates Intermediate Reformer Workout - Lisa Hubbard Pilates Intermediate Reformer Workout - Adrianne Crawford Pilates Intermediate Reformer Workout - Deborah Harris Pilates Beginner Reformer Workout - Rachel Taylor Segel Pilates Challenging Reformer Workout - Rael Isacowitz Pilates Full-Body Reformer Workout - Tracey Mallett Pilates Intermediate Reformer Workout - Diane Diefenderfer Pilates Intermediate Reformer Workout - Madeline Black Pilates Fun Reformer Workout - Valentin Pilates Challenging Reformer Workout - Meredith Rogers Pilates Reformer Workout for Body Pathologies - Shelly Power Pilates Intermediate Reformer Workout - Amy Havens Pilates Challenging Reformer Workout - Courtney Miller Pilates Therapeutic Reformer Workout - Niedra Gabriel Pilates Advanced Reformer Workout - Adrianne Crawford Pilates Steady Stable Reformer Workout - Amy Taylor Alpers Pilates Restorative Strengthening Reformer Class - Michele Larsson Pilates Intermediate Reformer Workout - Meredith Rogers Pilates Beginner Reformer Workout - Rachel Taylor Segel Pilates Challenging Reformer Workout - Sharon Gallagher-Rivera Pilates Flowing Reformer Workout - Adrianne Crawford And Many More. App features which will allow you to take full control of your learning experience: ** Edit the video title,subtitle and keep your own notes. ** Move the video around it's group and even change it's group ** Make videos your favourites and give them your own rating ** Search by title or notes ** View by favourites or rating ** View by history the last ten played or visited videos