PickUpTheVoices is an audio player with various noise reduction processing.
PickUpTheVoices make it easy to hear a voice by reducing a noise from a personal recording sound source.
So, PickUpTheVoices is not a ‘HI-RESO’ player and The sound that PickUpTheVoices plays deteriorates a little than a source.
— PickUpTheVoices's Noise reduction processing —
- 2D Curtain Filter
This processing gets the effect that block the sound such as closed a curtain.
Kind of Filter mode
-Pickup Left
Close the right curtain and pick up a left-side sound.
-Pickup Right
Close the left curtain and pick up a right-side sound.
-Pickup Center
Close the curtain of right and left and pick up a sound of the center.
-Cancel center
Put a curtain on the center and silence the sound of the center.
- Stationary reduction
This processing reduce a constant noise such as the operating noise of the air-conditioner or power supply noise,etc.
- Impulse reduction
This processing reduce a Impulse noise such as the scratch noise of the analog record.
- GraphicEQ
Graphic equalizer of the Mac OS standard.
— About In-App Purchase —
When, up great by ‘In-App Purchase’ , it is enabled to begin to write* the result that gave noise reduction processing in m4a form.
* real-time rendering and off-line export