Physics Science

OS X 10.12
Beautiful Physics Experiments on your Mac. Modern and Simple Interface. Optimized for macOS Sierra. REQUIREMENTS: Physics Science uses Metal Graphics Technology, requires any Mac Early 2013 or Newer with 64-bit processor and macOS 10.12 or later. Discover the fascinating physics experiments: · Henry Cavendish. · William Crookes. · Albert Einstein · Michael Faraday. · Leon Foucault. · Galileo Galilei. · Heinrich Hertz. · James Joule · Robert Millikan. · Isaac Newton. · Ernest Rutherford. · Nikola Tesla. · Thomas Young. … and more. 3D Graphics: · Move. · Rotate. · Zoom. Useful Information: · Text. · Images. · Diagrams. Uses Advanced Graphics Technologies: · Supports 5K Retina Display. · Full-Screen Mode. · Rendered with Metal Graphics Technology. For PHYSICS EXPERIMENT REQUEST You can improve this app, suggest a new physics experiment. Mr. Proton Studio: Scientific Software DISCLAIMER Physics Science are the apps that help you to explore the beautiful physics experiments. However, by the very nature of laboratory work, physics experiments can lead to messy, highly toxic, explosive, corrosive, carcinogenic, and all together dangerous results in the real world. Physics Science (this Software and Developer) are only intended for illustration; no warranty, guarantee, or representation is made by Physics Science or MacProton or Mr. Proton Studio as to the accuracy and sufficiency of any information contained herein, and Physics Science or MacProton or Mr. Proton Studio assumes no responsibility in connection therewith.