Physics Calculator

OS X 10.10
Physics Calculator is an easy to use App that includes 70 Physics Calculators Physics Calculator includes the following Calculators: - Force - Work - Total Work Done - Power to Work - Power With Displacement - Power With Velocity - Kinetic Energy - Potential Energy - Centripetal Acceleration - Concave Mirror Magnification - Centripetal Force - Circular Velocity - Velocity - Average Velocity - Displacement - Kinetic Friction - Static Friction - Newton’s Law of Gravity - Planetary Motion - Gravitational Acceleration - Escape Velocity - Hooker Law - Elastic Potential Energy - Newtons Second Law of Motion - Impulse With Velocity - Impulse With Time - Momentum With Velocity - Momentum With Time - Moment - Simple Pendulum - Physical Pendulum - Torque - Density - Einstein Mass Energy - Stress - Strain - Youngs Modulus - Projectile Motion for Vertical Velocity - Projectile Motion for Vertical Displacement - Projectile Motion for Horizontal Displacement - Projectile Motion for Range - Doppler Effect Wavelength Front - Doppler Effect Wavelength Behind - Doppler Effect Approaching Source - Doppler Effect Receding Source - Doppler Effect Approaching Receiver - Doppler Effect Receding Receiver - Differential Pressure Measurement - Sound Pressure Level - Sound Intensity Level - Sound Power Emitted - Sound Wavelength - Free Fall - Noise Pollution Level - Battery Storage Rating - True Porosity - Souders Brown Equation - Concave Mirror Equation - Constant Q Transform - Horsepower - Moment of Inertia - Transverse Strength of a Material - Torsional Pendulum - Apparent Porosity - Kinematic Viscosity - Speed of Sound - Lensmaker's Equation - Podmore Factor - Critical Frequency - Brinell Hardness Number It Also Includes: - Formula for Each Calculator - Description for Each Calculator - Copy Answer Button - Clear Button - Clear All Button