PhotoTidier pro:View&Clean my photos

OS X 10.9
A simple, user-friendly photo management tool A user-friendly photo management application is an indispensable tool for managing the augmenting album in your Mac. A compactly attractive and easy-to-use app, the PhotoTidier can help you better search,manage and access your album. Find and clean similar/duplicate photos with ease just add folders from your Mac to allow our sweeper to find all photos inside. Useful multi-settings to easily find duplicates, similar photos, series of shots. The app finds duplicate photos, even those edited in external programs such as Photoshop or Pixelmator, regardless of image size or format. Marking duplicates automatically Mark photos you want to clean manually, or use the "Auto Select by" feature to mark duplicates automatically based on the list of rules you can adjust to your needs in the Preferences. Quickly rename large batches of photos It can be a pain when you are renaming a large number of photos by hand or your camera gave you ugly IMG_ photo names. With renamer of PhotoTidier you can batch rename thousands of photos in just a few seconds. Rename tasks include replacing text in filenames, numbering a sequence of files, changing file extensions and converting between cases. Picture Management with Ease Pictures taken by the IPhone or digital camera can be added into your Mac with ease. PhotoTidier can filter out or display a massive clutter of pictures according to time, file size, file dimension and rating. You can copy or move the pictures in batches, and sort them out, or delete those you don’t like or need. Even if any pictures are deleted by mistake, you can retrieve them during an interval when they are temporarily stored in the recycle bin. User-friendly Browsing Experience We streamline the browsing interface to afford user-friendly experience by setting apart a larger space for picture presentation. You can browse through each folder with ease and quickly locate what you need. Maybe you will come upon the rare and long-lost images. Selecting Photos with Ease We provide a multiple-selection mode to facilitate the user in selecting images. With this mode, you can browse through the many pictures with ease and check the images you need. There’s no more need for worrying about wasting your efforts by carelessly releasing the Shift or Command key. More Ways of Sharing Your Favorite Pictures With the share menu, you can send the pictures to wherever you want or customize the menu to share them on your frequently-visited websites that support sharing. Hotkeys list Edit Undo: command + Z Redo: command + shift + Z select all:command+A Cut:command + X Copy: command + C Move to: command + shift X Copy to: command + shift + C File import folder: command+M show / hide info: command + I Show in finder: command + ENTER Show in viewer: command + W Editor with: command+E Move to trash: DELETE Views back: command+[ forward: command+] reload: command+R hide / display side bar: command+B finder structure: command+F flat structure: command+shift+F time line structure: command+L Recently Deleted delete: command + D empty trash: command + shift + D restore: command + T Photo View Exit Photo View mode:common + B zoom in:command+ zoom out:command - fit: command + F rotate counter-clockwise:command +R rotate clockwise: command + shift + R