Photo Studio: easy batch photo enhancement software.
Photo Studio makes your photographs more attractive quickly and easily, without spending a lot of time and money on learning, purchasing, and using professional photo editing software. Photo Studio enhances photos automatically, and allows you to customize results to your liking. It ensures that you get great results very quickly by supporting batch processing and image settings synchronization. In addition, you can give photos an artistic finishing touch by applying creative effects.
Instead of adjusting every photograph manually, as required in traditional photo editing software, just let Photo Studio process multiple photos completely automatically. Then save the results you like. If you wish to improve the automatic results, choose what adjustments (color correction, exposure, contrast, saturation, sharpening, noise reduction etc.) should be applied to particular photographs (the semi-automatic customization). Furthermore, you can fine-tune the results manually as in traditional image editing software.
The unique automatic photo enhancement algorithm implemented in Photo Studio embraces everything its developers learned during over 6 years of professional photography experience. The only shortcoming the application has compared to manual processing is the lack of human vision, which sometimes can lead to a suboptimal choice of automatic image processing parameters. With the tools provided by Photo Studio (two customization levels, batch processing, image settings synchronization etc.) you can easily and quickly perfect the automatic results.