OS X 10.8
Photo Octopus lets you resize, watermark, crop, transform and export photos (from a few to thousands) quickly and easily with its powerful batch/bulk exporting and photo viewing. Photo Octopus also helps you sort and select your photos by providing a quick and simple way to view, delete, move, copy and compare. Photos appear as a stream of images at the bottom of the app. Photos selected in the stream appear above it individually (last selected) or side-by-side (up to 4 in total) allowing easy review of similar photos. VIEW AND EXPORT * Exports to: JPG, TIF, PNG, GIF, BMP and JP2 * Opens: JPG, TIF, PNG, GIF, BMP, JP2, PSD and TGA * Option to persist original photo's metadata * Option to set DPI of exported photos * Export all photos, selected photos or only starred photos * Export photos to a selected folder (with optional filename prefix/postfix) or overwrite original photos. RESIZE * Width x height - You specify the exact width and height you want the images to be. * Width (height proportional) - You specify only the width and Fotos will correctly set the height. * Height (width proportional) - You specify only the height and Fotos will correctly set the width. * Longest side (other side proportional) - You specify a single size, the image's longest side will be resized to the specified size and the other side resized accordingly. * Max width x Max height (proportional) - This option ensures that images are no larger than the specified width and height whilst keeping proportions. * Resizing can be specified in pixels or percentages. * Option to apply a sharpen filter to keep photo detail when reducing photo dimensions TEXT WATERMARK * Font type, style, size, color, character spacing * 9 alignment positions with optional x/y offsets * Text opacity * Optional drop-shadow and color * Prefixing of watermark text with filename, path, parent folder and extension * Multi-line watermark text IMAGE WATERMARK * Select an existing image file to use as a watermark * 9 alignment positions with optional x/y offsets * Control of image opacity * Option to resize image watermark as % of photo width CROP * Crop by specified width and height in pixels * Crop by custom ratio * Crop by one of 10 common preset ratios * 9 anchor positions for cropping TRANSFORM * Image rotation (90 left, 90 right or 180 degrees) * Image flipping (horizontally, vertically, horizontally & vertically) PHOTO STREAM AND VIEWING KEY FEATURES Clutter-Free Interface - Focus on what's important, your photos Photo Stream - Quick preview and selection of photos Photo View - Viewing of selected photos individually or side-by-side Photo Deleting - Move to trash selected photos Photo Moving/Copying - Copy or relocate selected photos Starring Photos - As you move through your photos star the ones of interest so you can move, copy or delete them once you get to the last photo SELECTING BEST PHOTOS Using Photo Octopus' side-by-side comparison, together with its starring feature makes it easy to mark and then copy or move the best photos to a different folder. DELETING PHOTOS Tidy up your photos using Photo Octopus' side-by-side comparison and move to trash those photos that are not worthy of your collection. REORGANIZING PHOTOS Move and copy photos around to tidy up your photo collection Photo Octopus' is a great addition for both professional and amateur photographers alike. For any support issues or questions please contact us via our website so that we can respond directly to you.