Perfect Rename

OS X 10.10
POWERFUL, EASY AND SAFE FILE RENAMING Features: Easy as 1-2-3: Build the new file name from simple, easy to understand building blocks, check real-time results, hit 'Go'. Perfect Rename gives you smart blocks to build new file names: - Text (just what you think it is) - Counters (global, total, per file type, arabic and roman numbers) - Original File Meta Data (Name, Extension, Size, Modification Date, Creation Date, Parent Folder) - Date - Image Metadata (More than 150 tags spanning from EXIF, over GPS to Camera Maker-Specific) - Audio Metadata (Common ID3 tags) - Video Metadata (what ID3 are to audio, this is to video: access duration, artist, etc.) - CSV (you have a coma-sparated values file from a spreadsheet and want to plug those into your file name? Go nuts.) - RegEx - So you are a pro, think in regular expressions, and aren't afraid to use a sleek tool with great UI? Multi-level, fully IEEE 1003.2 compliant regEx is here for you. Geeky. Recursive. "Now you've got two Problems." Control that Extension Most people don't bother with file extensions. But Perfect Rename lets you do just that if you ever have the need to change, map, or regEx your file extensions en masse. Color-Coded Simplicity Never wonder which block contributes what to the file name. Color-coded results leaves no doubt where each part comes from Instant Feedback No guesswork involved. See what your results will be before you actually rename your files. Your rename rules have an issue? They'll tell you before you commit the rename, and prevent you from doing something unsavory. Drag & Drop Collect your files, and dump them on the window via Drag & Drop. Safety First Even the best rule can have unforeseen consequences. That's where safe rename comes in. If a file name is already taken, Perfect Rename will slightly modify the new one Captain's Log When all is said and done, Perfect Rename gives you a complete, savable clear text log of everything it did. Rollback So you changed your mind after renaming? Ignored the warnings? Felt lucky? No problem. Perfect Rename can roll back any renames it did for you. Simply open the rollback manager, and hit 'Rollback!' Presets Have a rule or schema you like? Save it now and recall it instantly later. Fast - very, very, fast. PR is not only easy to use, it's also fast - it handles large amounts of file as effortlessly as small. How fast? Renaming 5'600 files takes some 2.2 seconds. Which is a lot faster than your average reaction time - so be glad PR comes with a robust rollback function...