OS X 10.11
PDFAnnot is an intuitive Mac OS application to create, edit and modify the annotations in the PDF files. PDFAnnot offers tools to apply various kind of annotation to PDF file by creating new annotations, edit or modify existing annotations. In addition, complete PDF viewing features like tab panels showing page thumbnails and search options, annotations list and various options for viewing scale, reading history and full screen mode makes PDFAnnot easy-to-use application. FEATURES: - PDFAnnot has various tools and method to easily create new annotation, edit and modify them on PDF document. - Annotate tools include the drawing tools, text markup tools, note tool, text tool, link annotate tool and signature tool. Once you select any of these tools, you can use the selected tool continuously without having to select the specific tool again after each use. - Signature features to sign PDF files with your own handwriting. Signatures can be created by writing it by yourself. You can quickly and easily place and apply signatures in PDF files to indicate your approval or consent. - Link features to create, edit and delete link annotation with options like Link to Page or Link to web. - Modify the selected annotation with set of editing options like Font, Font style, Font size, Alignment, Fill color, Pen color, Line width and Line style. - Text markup tools to strikeout text, underline text and highlight text. - You can create and edit shape annotation using drawing Tools - oval, rectangle, Line, Pen, Note and Text box tool. - Annotation can be easily resize and change location by simply dragging and dropping. - Very flexible options to add PDF file. Simply Right click Open With in Finder or Drop on “PDFAnnot” application to open and add file for creating, editing and modifying annotation beside direct Add File/Folder buttons. PDF VEIWING FEATURES: - Sidebar with Thumbnails and Search panel and Annotations list. - Easy reading page view options. Single page and double page view with optional continuous reading. - Fully selectable and searchable text contents. Can copy text to clipboard. - Bigger and smaller page view using ZoomIn, ZoomOut, Actual Size and Fit to Zoom controls. - Maintains reading history. Go to Back and Forward reading page. - Very flexible page navigation controls for easy traverse into open document. You can refer User Manual from menu "Help -> PDFAnnot Help” for any assistance Or Contact Support.