PDF Toolbox Star

OS X 10.7
Limited Time Special. Regular $9.99. PDF Toolbox Star is designed for operating PDF files and contains almost all operations you can imagine, such as: merge,split, extract, insert, extract image, convert image, extract text, compress, sequence, encrypt, etc. If you are worried about operating PDF files, buy it, it’s so fantastic! FEATURES: 1. Merge You can easily merge various PDF files that you like into one which is convinent for managing and reading; 2. Split You can arbitrarily split a PDF file at your convenience; 3. Extract You can arbitrarily extract page number from one or more PDF files and merger into a new PDF file; 4. Insert You can insert one PDF file into another; 5. Extract image You can specify the page number of PDF file, and then extract the images or convert the whole page into any other image files in specified format(png,jpeg,bmp,tiff,gif); 6. Document You can extract text in PDF and save as txt or rtfd format; 7. Compress You can compress PDF files making files smaller to save your valuable disk space; 8. Sort You can randomly sequence the page number of PDF file; 9. Encrypt You can encrypt PDF files; ● Contact us If you have any questions, you can contact us by email. Email address : ababesoft@yahoo.com.