Extract pages of choice from a PDF and save as separate PDF file.Pages could be selected by page range or explicit page numbers separated by comma.The application supports batch processing as well. This means that the application could extract pages from even hundreds of PDF files at the same time.
The application also supports Password Protected PDF files. This means that the application could easily extract pages even from PDF files that are protected by a password.Also, the application removes the password from the extracted pages.
(Note: You will have to enter the password in application.)
Using the application, you could specify a range of the pages to be extracted and saved.For example, if you want to extract from page 10 to page 20 of a PDF file, you could specify this range of 10 to 20 in the application.The application will extract these pages and save them either as a single PDF file or each page as a separate PDF file as per your choice.
Sometimes, we want to extract random pages from PDF. For example, if you want to extract only pages numbered 2,6,8,25, and 50 from PDF, this could be done as well.Inside the application just specify all page numbers separated by comma.The application will extract these random pages and save them either as a single PDF file or as a separate pdf file as per your choice.
If you want to extract all pages of PDF and save each of these pages as separate PDF, you could do this as well.
The extracted pages could be saved in following three ways :
a) All pages of choice could be extracted and saved as a single PDF file.
b) Each extracted page could be saved as a separate PDF file.
c) All pages of the PDF could be saved as a separate PDF file.
Benefits :
-- Reduce the file size by only taking the pages that are needed.
-- Share only the PDF containing the required pages.
-- Save PDF files without password
-- Remove unwanted pages from a PDF
-- Maintain documentation easily by extracting and keeping only important pages from a PDF.
-- Extracted pages could be easily used inside a document or a presentation.This makes documentation and presentation easy to prepare.