OS X 10.7
pcdMagic converts Kodak Photo CD images into modern image formats such as JPEG, TIFF, EXR or DNG. pcdMagic is the only application available for current versions of macOS that will convert Photo CD Images with 100% color accuracy, just like they were scanned. "pcdMagic is our tool of choice" - NDSR Boston after evaluating all available alternatives for Photo CD conversion. PCDMAGIC FEATURES: • macOS High Sierra and Retina display compatible. • No blown highlights - most Photo CD conversion software blows highlights. pcdMagic just doesn't. • Specific color profiles by film type and scanner model - e.g., Kodachome scanned by a Kodak 4000 series scanner versus color negative on a Kodak 2000 series scanner. • Adaptive interpolation - conventional interpolation can result in unsightly artifacts in your images; pcdMagic's adaptive interpolation avoids this. • Output to JPEG, TIFF, EXR or DNG. pcdMagic converts to your choice of output format, even archival level DNG files. And of course, properly color managed, so you get exactly the right color rendition when you view converted files in other applications. • Converts any Photo CD file. pcdMagic handles all Photo CD files at maximum resolution, even 4096 × 6144 "64Base" Photo CD Pro files and the rare "Class three compression" files that other conversion program can't convert.