OS X 10.7.2
Particulars displays system information about your Mac. It shows computer name, model name, serial number, CPU, RAM, GPU, OS version, Server version, current user, uptime, disk space and network configuration. It can used in 3 modes: on your desktop, as a Today Extension in OS X Yosemite and later, or at the command line. Particulars provides up-to-date information and dynamically changes when your system changes. For instance, if you switch Wi-Fi networks, Particulars shows the new network configuration immediately. Particulars does not replace your desktop background image and is responsive to changes in your screen or space layout. It does not require any scripts or need any complex setup. Particulars supports many disparate network configurations including IPv6, manual addressing, multiple addresses, captive portals, PPPoE, and VPNs. Particulars has a special 'lab mode' to ease deployment in computer labs and datacenters. See the help book for more information.


Particulars 显示 macOS 系统详细信息的小浮窗

Particulars 是一款可以显示 macOS 系统详细信息的小浮窗,像什么电脑名称、型号、序列号、CPU、RAM、GPU、OS 版本、服务器版本、当前用户、磁盘信息、网络信息等等等都可以自选是否显示。可以选择让 Particulars 在 macOS 桌面显示,或是在通知中心、终端.app 里...