OS X 10.9.0
Opentask is a global collaborative service that enable business collaborations even when using different languages. Built-in project boards and work messenger for collaboration are basically provided. [Service Features] Global Language Services - Opentask provides a wide range of languages ​​for organizations and companies in various countries to access services. - Currently various languages ​​such as Korean, English, Japanese, and Chinese are supported, and other languages will be added later on. External Guest - An external guest (partner) who is not a full member of the team can participate in the board. - Genuine collaborative service functions to collaborate on common tasks is provided. - The authorization settings specify the work role of the guest. Translation Function - Real-time translations of the postings and the conversations of messenger written in other languages ​​are provided. - The smooth communication between the members of using different languages is possible. File Translation - All document files registered by the team will be translated into the language the member is using. - Not only contents but also document files are translated to make global business easier. [Main Function] Team management, board management, post management, scheduling, storage management, messenger functions are provided. - One user account can organize and use multiple companies or organizations. - It is possible to freely create project board that matches the subject of the work, and the team members can engage in the tasks. - It is possible to create posts which match with the subject of the task and share details of business affairs with the members. - It is possible to share the schedule of the members easily and simply. - All the registered files on the board can be quickly searched on the storage with the filter. - It is possible to communicate with the team members in real time anytime, anywhere. ‘Opentask’, the Global Collaboration Service, Different Languages are Possible to Have Business Collaboration http://www.opentaskcloud.com