macOS 10.13+

Supported Formats:

Videos: mkv, rmvb, rm, avi, mov, wmv, flv, f4v, f4p, f4a, f4b, swf, mpg, mpeg, mpeg1, mpeg2, m1v, m2v, mpv, mp4, mpeg4, m4v, 3gp, 3gpp, 3g2, 3gp2, m2p, ps, ts, m2ts, mts, mt2s, vob, ogm, ogv, divx, dv, asf, wtv, webm, m3u, m3u8 etc.


Audios: flac, ape, m2a, mp1, mp2, mpa, mp3, mpg3, m4a, m4b, wma, wav, wv, xm, aiff, aif, ac3, a52, aac, opus, ogg, oga, mid, midi, mka etc.


Subtitles: ass, ssa, srt, idx&sub


OmniPlayer is a comprehensive media player for almost any video and audio format on macOS. It has powerful features with modern and clean design.

You can use it to play various 4K/1080P/720P HD videos and normal/lossless audios easily with hardware decoding. You can also control and adjust the

playback/playlist/video image/audio track/subtitles/screenshot etc. conveniently with the rich features .


Key Features:

** Support Multiple Media Types

* Play almost any format of the local and remote server(samba/FTP protocol) videos and audios.

* Support online videos and audios with Http/https protocol.

* Play Youtube and Vimeo videos with webpage URL directly without online ads.


** Playlist Control

* Record media files to playlist automatically, and support clear all when exiting player automatically.

* Play/Search/Delete/Change repeat mode of media items in the playlist.


** Playback Control

* Pause/Resume/Fast forward/Rewind/Jump to specified progress time.

* Record last progress time of playback when stopping automatically.

* Show preview images on progress bar when playing a local video.

* Hide controls automatically to display pure video view without any occlusion.

* Adjustment playback speed from 0.25x-4x


** Video Image Adjustment

* Adjust window size and video image aspect ratio quickly.

* Adjust video image rotation in all directions.

* Adjust video image equalizer including brightness, contrast, and saturation.


** Audio Control

* Change audio delay time to make audio and video synchronization.

* Choose different audio tracks in the video.

* Choose audio mode such as Stereo, Dolby Surround, Headphones, etc.

* Customize audio equalizer or choosing predefined equalizer such as Classic, Rock, Pop, etc.


** Subtitle Control

* Load different formats of local subtitles in real-time.

* Search and load subtitles online with video name or hash, support most languages.

* Change subtitle color, size in real-time. Change the encoding of subtitles in different languages to fix the garbled problem.


** Screenshot

* Take a screenshot with different formats.

* Generating gif image up to 60s.

* One-click exporting movie thumbnail


** Wireless display

* DLNA protocol

* Chromecast protocol

* Roku channel


OmniPlayer offers the following option for Upgrading to VIP service


Service: Upgrade to VIP

One-time purchase to get lifetime access

Monthly subscription

Yearly subscription


Price may vary by location.


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- Telegram: appsupportgroup

- WeChat: appsupportgroup

- QQ group: 260862101



Mac 上视频播放器应用数不胜数,但真正要达到“好用”,OmniPlayer 算其中一款,不仅界面设置简单明了,而且可通过硬件解码播放各类 4K/1080P/720p 高清视频、无损音频等,且听我细细说来。 各类音视屏轻松播放 OmniPlayer 支持的音视频格式及其丰富,详见: 视频: mkv,...