OS X 10.6.6
NutriWiz is a food data base, which can be used by experts and novices alike. Specific food items can be searched via an alphabetical list or the integrated search functionality. Depending on availability 16 macro- (partly graphic) and micro nutrients can be shown. You are suffering from obesity, gout, kkh or diabetes. You wanted your nutrition to be adjusted but didn't know how to? No problem, let NutriWiz do the job for you. No idea which nutrients fit to your needs? Search via the built in search function or use the built in filter. By this, NutriWiz searches for what matches to your individual profile out of a myriad of possibilities. Enter only a few of your body data and you are ready to go and reach your goals. Track your weight graphically, recommended weight is within the green area. Weight zones of disadvantages are shown in red. NutriWiz comes with a huge database. Anyway, if you have that special piece not already in, simply add it to the database. By this the app grows with you ! Want a print out of your individual nutrition plan ? Of course NutriWiz asks you kindly what form you prefer and how much information should be included. Features: Depending on availability 16 macro/micro nutrients are shown. Display of Mg/Ca and So/Pot ratios. Display of carbohydrate exchange units (BE,KAE). Display of item suitability for obesity. Display of item suitability for diabetes. Display of item suitability for gout. Display of item suitability for coronary disease. Additionaly energy information as kcal and kjoule.