Notifi adds 8 useful notifications to Mountain Lion's Notification system.
Device added/removed notifications - notification when usb drive, external disk drive or other mountable devices are mounted or ejected, together with free, used and total disk space information.
Disk space remaining notifications - notification when specified % of disk space remaining is reached.
File notifications - notification when files of a folder are created, modified or deleted.
Battery notifications - notification when laptop battery reaches a given % remaining. Notification when power source changes.
Time notifications - notification at a specified time of the day, every x number of minutes or hourly, together with custom notification text. Countdown can optionally be displayed in the status bar.
When you connect a USB drive or external hard disk, Notifi tells you when it's ready to use together with additional information:
· Free disk space
· Used disk space
· Total disk space
Notifi also tells you when an ejected device is safe to remove.
Notifi can send you a notification as soon as a device only has a certain amount of space left (as a percentage), ensuring that don't run out of disk space without being warned.
Notifi can send you a notification when when files of a specific folder are created, modified or deleted (note: notifications of changes in sub-folders are not sent).
Notifi can send you a notification when your laptop's battery only has a specified percentage of battery remaining, ensuring you don't get caught short of power. It can also notify you when the power source changes.
Notifi can send you a notification every day at a specific time with a custom message, ensuring that you remember to go home after a hard days work.
Notifi can also send you a notification every x number of minutes (within a specified time range) with a custom message, reminding you to stretch your legs or rest your eyes.
Notifi can also send you an hourly notification, on the hour every hour (within a specified time range), emulating the hourly chime feature of a watch.
Notifi can display a countdown of a time notification in the status bar.
Time notifications can optionally be displayed for selected days of the week.
An option exists to disable notifications when an app is in fullscreen mode.
Optionally notifications can also be spoken or trigger a sound.
To change Notifi's preferences. Click the inbox icon that sits in the menu bar near to the volume icon.
For any support issues or questions please contact us via our website so that we can respond directly to you.