The most authentic Bible Code app of its kind. Searches for acronyms (rashei tevot - ראשי תיבות), bacronyms (sofei tevot - סופי תיבות), gematria (גימטריה) and word permutations (צירופים). Ultra-fast and easy to use. Finds every combination of a word (up to over 40K). Translates results. Notarikon is the only Bible Code unanimously recognized by rabbinical authorities and scholars. Hard or soft Hebrew keyboard is required.
Search Engine
There are four types of queries you can perform on the server. Each one is a different type of Bible code. Queries consist of either Hebrew characters or numbers. Spaces and Latin characters are not allowed. Notarikon can search for results in the Pentateuch, Prophets and Writings. You must be connected to the Internet to use Notarikon and have a Hebrew keyboard layout installed.
1. Acronyms
An acronym is an abbreviation formed from the initial letters in a phrase. Words must be a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 8 letters long. This limitation applies to bacronyms and permutations as well.
2. Bacronyms
A term we were forced to coin given the context, bacronyms are abbreviations formed from the final letters in a phrase. The Hebrew language includes 5 letters that are written differently if positioned at the end of a word. This can be confusing sometimes when performing certain queries, therefore Notarikon will automatically convert final letters (i.e. ף, ץ) to standard letters (i.e. פ, צ) and vice-versa.
3. Gematria
The gematria, or numerical value, of a word is formed by adding the sum of each letter's value. For example aleph (א) equals 1 and bet (ב) equals 2. ABA (אבא), or father in Hebrew, will then equal 1 + 2 + 1 = 4. Words entered must be a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 24 letters long. You can also enter numbers at any time and Notarikon will automatically search for numerical values.
4. Permutations
You can also search for a word or any of its permutations. Permutations are strings of characters formed by mixing the letters of a word. Notarikon lets you automatically search up to 40,320 permutations of a single word. This is the main reason the amount of characters is limited.
Exact Match
Turning on exact match will increase speed and allow searching strings of up to 24 characters (instead of 8) in the entire Hebrew Bible (i.e. Pentateuch, Prophets and Writings all at once). Turning off exact match will allow searching for every combination of a word and yield much more results. Exact match is automatically disabled when searching for numerical values. Please note that in some cases, when words contain more than 6 letters and exact match is switched off, results can take up to 2 minutes to be displayed.
With almost 500 entries and 5 categories, presets are a great way to get acquainted with Notarikon. Tapping an item will automatically fill the search bar and start finding results based on the current settings. If a preset doesn't yield any results, try searching for its numerical value, or gematria.
Sharing Results
The best part of Notarikon is finding new insights on your own and sharing them with friends, coworkers and family. Tapping a result will display the translation in a new panel and allow you to share it in many different ways. Based on the apps installed on your device, Notarikon will display the options available to you when tapping the share icon (i.e. Mail, Message, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp).