Intel 64 / OS X
$ 4.99
Noizio is an app that will drown out the noise of the street and allow you to concentrate on the work at hand, increasing your productivity. On the other hand, it can also set the mood for a romantic evening or lull you to sleep, ensuring that you will dream soundly all night long. An ambient sound equalizer app for creating a mixture of ambient sounds available for OS X. Features 10 enchanting ambient sounds Ease of choosing and blending the ambient sounds into a mixture that will perfectly fit your mood Minimalist design Completely free of charge with no hidden ads Sounds are played in a seamless loop Developed for OS X 10.10 Yosemite Option to automatically launch the program after you turn on your Mac Ready for your MacBook Pro (support Retina display) 10 Ambient sounds: October Rain, Paris Cafe, Thunderstorm, Campfire, Winter Wind, Sea Waves, River Stream, Summer Night, Sunny Day, and Deep Space.



Noizio 是一款新晋的白噪音/氛围音效播放工具,通过播放咖啡馆嘈杂人声,雷雨,火堆,海浪等自然音效帮助用户专注于手上的工作或有效进入休息状态,这类产品我们之前介绍过几款,那么推荐 Noizio 的主要理由就是,她可以将菜单内的8种音效同时播放,你可以挑选任意音效来搭建自己理想的氛围环境,感觉非常...