Lightweight application to send emails, newsletters and advertising in html format or plain text. With Mailr you can append a large recipient lists and send Peer-to-Peer by custom time intervals. Also, you can save your documents in .eml format to open with Apple Mail App.
Aplicación ligera para enviar correos electrónicos, boletines de noticias y publicidad en formato HTML o texto plano. Con Mailr puede añadir una gran lista de destinatarios y enviar los correos Peer-to-Peer con intervalos de tiempo personalizados. Además, puede guardar tus documentos en formato eml para poder abrirlos con la aplicación Mail de Apple.
Easy Rich Text and CSS/HTML built-in editor with syntax highlighting
Editor accepts pasteboards from other apps.
Import local or online html files.
Import and Export MIME/MAIL .emls compatible with Apple Mail.
Import and Export your CSV mailing list.
Password data encryption AES Protocol.
SMTP login with Authentication.
TLS and StartTLS protocols (Not SSL).
Works with Gmail, Live/Outlook, iCloud/me, AOL, Yahoo, GMX.
*This version of Mailr doesn't support Windows based SMTP servers.
Send up to 4900 emails in html by 5 minutes (Your account may have outgoing limits).
Peer to Peer Sending (Not CCO/CC).
10 free templates included. Get more on http://www.surestesoft.com/mailr
Available in English and Spanish
With this app you will be able to contact your audience by programming the concurrence, design or import/export cool stuff in few minutes.