NCLEX-PN Exam Prep is to help you prepare the National Council Licensure Examination for Practical Nurses (NCLEX-PN). With its exclusive intuitive UI, you can take the mock test and get the real exam experience. The study mode is even better, you can set your own pace and practice anytime you want, get instant response. The best part for this app is it allows you to concentrate on your incorrect questions only. Add them to your favorite module and practice your own weak points again and again, that's way more efficient than the traditional quiz app. You can increase confidence and reduce test anxiety by being fully prepared for the test experience.
Main Features:
- Plenty of quality multiple choice questions
- Study mode: get instant answers and useful explanation, study at your own pace
- Exam mode: simulate the real exam experience, get detailed results and scoring, review your exam question with answer and explanation
- Favorite mode: add any question to your favorite and simply focus on studying them is 10 times more efficient
- Exam history with beautiful chart to track progress
- No data connection required, all data stored on device
iMobiApp, the publisher of this product, is not affiliated with or endorsed by any testing organization. All organizational and test names are trademarks of their respective owners. The content of the application might include inaccuracies or typographical errors, for which the owner can not be held liable.
To ensure public protection, NCSBN Member Board jurisdictions require a candidate for licensure to pass an examination that measures the competencies needed to perform safely and effectively as a newly licensed, entry-level nurse. NCSBN develops two licensure examinations, the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) and the National Council Licensure Examination for Practical Nurses (NCLEX-PN), that are used by boards of nursing to assist in making licensure decisions.
Taking the NCLEX-PN or the NCLEX-RN is a capstone experience to your studies and so much more. Passing the exam demonstrates your competence so that you can launch your nursing career.