My Moon – 调整你的生活与月亮周期

OS X 10.6
△ △ △ △ △ my Moon △ △ △ △ △ 随着myMoon,你会知道在任何时刻,在哪个阶段是月亮,你会得到基于它的建议。 你会知道,例如,什么时候最好的时间剪头发或调色,或什么时候在花园里种植各种类型的植物,或什么时候开始禁食和清洁饮食。 myMoon是一个真正的指南,基于月亮的影响和来自国家的人民的古老智慧。 此外,你将有一个农历,通过它您可以提前知道,月球将是一个日期在未来的阶段,或在什么阶段是在过去的日期。 在“Advises”部分中,您可以对任何主题进行搜索,并为月亮的每个阶段给出建议。 您还可以设置各种参数,例如,将显示月亮的场景,您居住的半球和各种“月亮建议”之间的秒数。 ▷显示每一天的月相,指示月亮的年龄和当前阶段 ▷月球周期的每一天,几十个和几十个提示 ▷农历,显示未来和过去任何时候的月球的年龄和相位 ▷“Advises”部分,您可以根据月球的特定阶段进行关键字搜索 ▷9个不同的夜景:海上的森林,夜晚的城市,热带海滩,喜马拉雅山,Colosseo,巴黎,埃及金字塔,玛雅金字塔和拉斯维加斯! ▷3种语言:意大利语,英语,西班牙语(应用程序自动检测您的语言) IN ENGLISH: With myMoon you'll know at any moment in which phase is the moon and you will be given advice based on it. You'll know, for example when is the best time to cut your hair or to make a tint, or when to plant various types of plants in your garden, or when is the best time to start fasting and cleansing diets. myMoon is a real guide based on the influences of the moon and the ancient wisdom of the people from the country. In addition you will have a Lunar Calendar by which you can know in advance what phase the moon will be a date in the future, or at what stage was in a date in the past. In the section "Advises" you can run a search on any subject and you will be given advices for every phase of the moon. You'll also be able to set various parameters such as the scenario in which the moon will be shown, the hemisphere you’re living and the number of seconds between the various "moon advises". ▷ Display moon phases of each day, indicating the age of the moon and the current phase ▷ Dozens and dozens of tips for each day of the lunar cycle ▷ lunar calendar that shows the age and phase of the moon at any time in the future and past ▷ Section "Advises" where you can do a keyword search based on a specific phase of the moon ▷ 9 different night scenes: Woods on the sea, Town at night, Tropical Beach, Himalayas, Colosseo, Paris, Egyptian Pyramid, Maya Pyramid and Las Vegas! ▷ 3 languages: Italian, English, Spanish (the application automatically detects your language)