OS X 10.8
Tired of switching to iTunes or Spotify just to see what track is playing? MusicBuddy is a simple application designed to help you, the user, to maximize your music listening experience. MusicBuddy shows information about the music you are listening to right in the status bar. Change track, toggle play/pause, change the position within the track, and adjust iTunes/Spotify volume without losing focus on what ever it is you're working on. MusicBuddy Features: * Click on the icon in the status bar to reveal information on the current track. * Pressed on status bar space? Limit the size that is displayed in the status bar, or optionally turn off showing track information in the status bar. * Optionally have MusicBuddy start when you login to your Mac. iTunes Specific Features: * Change the rating of the current track * Remembers which playlist and song you were last listening to. If you quit iTunes, or restart your Mac, the next time iTunes launches you'll be able to pick up where you left off. *MusicBuddy must be running for this feature. * Show iTunes when it is hidden by other windows ** To use the Spotify features you must have a Spotify account, and the Spotify application installed. MusicBuddy does not provide a Spotify account, or the Spotify application. ** MusicBuddy is not affiliated with Spotify Ltd. Spotify functionality is conditional on Spotify Ltd continued support of the Spotify osa extensions.