Music Intervals

OS X 10.6.6
This game is focused on recognizing intervals on a music staff. As simple as it can be you will learn how to visually and quickly recognize an interval between two tones. All our simple music games are designed and created because of our children told us they need them. Hopefully it will also help you and your children. TRAIN MODE You hear and see two tones and your task is to recognize their mutual interval. A hint can be : Count lines and spaces between the two tones and you get the right interval. If you still do not know what kind of interval it is wait a moment and the appropriate answer will start to be pointed by a colored arrow. PLAY MODE Play Mode is in every our application a challenge. So you have 60 seconds for recognizing as many intervals as possible. World Record is real challenge so we invite you to give your best try and measure your interval reading skills with the World Record.