Multiple LinearReg will compute a linear equation for a given set of x,y data. A total of 6 independent variables are allowed (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5 and x6). A statistical summary is also included, along with graphics (2D and 3D). Any number of projects can be stored in the MultipleLinearReg database, and an infinite number of data points are allowed for each project. Transformations can be specified during data entry.
Multiple LinearReg provides an easy to use alternative from the large statistical packages. This program can be especially useful for college students and the research community.
Program: Multiple LinearReg
General Equation Form: y = b0 + b1x1 + b2x2 + b3x3 + b4x4 + b5x5 + b6x6
Equation degree: Same as the number of independent variables. Maximum of 6
Independent Variables: Many (2, 3, 4, 5 or 6)