Multiple Curvilinear Regression

OS X 10.7
Multiple Curvilinear Regression will compute a curvilinear equation for a given set of x,y data. The program will accept either two or three independent variables; and will compute a second degree equation Graphics are included, both 2D and 3D. Any number of projects can be stored in the Multiple Curvilinear Regression database, and an infinite number of data points are allowed for each project. Transformations can be specified during data entry. Multiple Curvilinear Regression provides an easy to use alternative from the large statistical packages. This program can be especially useful for college students and the research community. Program: Multiple CurviLinear Regression General Equation Forms: 2 Independent variables: y = b0 + b1x1 + b2x2 + b3x1^2 + b4x1x2 + b5x2^2 3 Independent variables: y = b0 + b1x1 + b2x2 + b3x3 + b4x1^2 + b5x1x2 + b6x1x3 + b7x2^2 + b8x2x3 + b9x3^2 Equation degree: 2 Independent Variables: Many (2 or 3)