OS X 10.7
MovieIndex generates a contact sheet from all video types. ▶ Handles every sort of videos, whatever QuickTime compliant (like .mov or ProRes, .m4v, …) or all others exotic videos (mts, mkv, avi, …ogv, webm). ▶ New in version 2.00: now, the application also supports modern video formats like the h265. ▶ Always displayed images at the good ratio (not badly stretched!) ▶ No comb's effect into images. ▶ Two quality modes, depending on the purpose of your cataloged video: to store onto disk or to print. ▶ And some classical customizable options: choose the size of images, their number, page background color, which captions you want as accompaniments and their size, … ▶ Optional feature: Can automatically adjust the number of thumbnails of your "contact sheet" according to the duration of your video (ie: what is the point of generating 64 thumbnails for a 10-second movie? ;-)) ▶ Optional feature: Added an 'derush' option: to extract a thumbnail every (xx) seconds (…useful to identify your rushes before editing). ▶ Optional feature: Can generate an additional thumbnail for your Multimedia Hard Disk. If your device can display a thumbnail of your videos (ie: WD TV Live), so create it with your index page. ▶ The app runs in modern 64bit mode, is optimized for newest OS (from old OS 10.7 to latest one) and for Retina display. MovieIndex, …because a "cataloged video" is far more convenient to consult than the video itself.