Moom allows you to move and zoom windows -- using either the mouse or the keyboard -- to predefined locations and sizes, or to full screen mode. When used via the mouse, all you need to do is hover over a green resize button, and Moom's interface appears. When used via the keyboard, press your defined shortcut, and the Moom keyboard bezel appears; you can then move windows using the arrow keys and modifier keys. Moom can be run as a traditional application, a menu bar application, or a completely faceless background application.
如果说 LaunchBar 和 Alfred 是专注于系统的启动器、Witch 专注于第三方 App Switcher 的实现、Mou 和 Byword 专注于纯文本的编写,那么 Moom 就是专注于窗口位置及尺寸控制的最佳代表。值得称赞的是,安装完毕后的默认配置已经足以满足大部分日常需求,这点对于...