Intel 64 / OS X
$ 24.99
MoneyWiz can simplify your financial life by keeping all your accounts, budgets and bills in one place, plus powerful reports, worldwide online banking, and instant sync between all your devices! That’s MoneyWiz - powerful and beautiful finance software. Features Accounts: Have all your accounts in one place. Arrange them in groups, give them icons and decide which accounts count towards your Net Worth. Choose from variety of accounts: credit card, checking, savings, loan, cash, or online banking. Budgets: Set up budgets and MoneyWiz will automatically monitor your transactions and assign them to the proper budgets. Envelope budgeting is also available. Bills: Never forget a bill again! Browse all your bills in list or on calendar, see projections for any period with a single tap. Worldwide Online Banking: Connect your online banking into MoneyWiz, and all transactions will be downloaded and categorized automatically. MoneyWiz will even set the proper payee! (* optional service, requires subscription) Transactions Entry: Entering transactions has never been so powerful! Customize what fields you want to use, configure settings for each field, use the pull-down gesture to save a transaction. It makes transaction entry as fast as it can be! Reports: Tons of reports will give you a perspective on your spendings and earnings, that you never had before! MoneyWiz also allows you to build custom reports based on what you want to know about your money. Dashboard: The dashboard is the one place to get a quick overview of your finances. Fill it with multiple widgets which you can re-arrange and configure. See everything important in one screen. Settings: Configure MoneyWiz to fit your needs. Enable currencies, manage categories, set layout of the transactions list, enable POS style amounts entry, configure bill reminders and so much more. Protection: Protect your data with PIN. Set PIN timeout for maximum comfort and auto-erase on 10 times wrong PIN for maximum security. iOS version also offers TouchID integration for devices that support it. Sync: Connect multiple devices with SYNCbits - the cloud sync that does everything automatically - from sync, to conflicts resolution. SYNCbits has banks level security and it’s completely free! Sync: Coming from another software? MoneyWiz can import it! Be it a CSV, QIF, OFX, QFX or MT940 file, MoneyWiz can handle it all. Note: This application contains in-app and/or external module purchases.


MoneyWiz 3:新装上阵,更加精彩

有记账需求或者使用过记账类 App 的用户,对 MoneyWiz 这款软件一定不会觉得陌生。作为一款在 App Store 中混迹了很多年还能经常出现在畅销榜前列的软件,用户们一定对它都是很肯定的态度。第一代已经做的如此好了,第二代肯定是要超越自己的,在不久前,MoneyWiz 2 终于上架了,所有...