OS X 10.7
MOBI to EPUB: A simple, efficient way to batch converts Mobipocket/Kindle (MOBI) ebook format documents into EPUB documents. Formats supported: some older text Palmdoc formats (pdb), Mobipocket files (prc, mobi), newer MOBI files including KF8 format (azw, azw3), Replica Print files (azw4). (Note: Books with DRM is not supported.) KEY FEATURES: ◆Accurate Preservation, Preserve all the text, links, images, layouts in the imported files. ◆Batch conversion at lightning fast speed. ◆Easy to use, simply Drag & Drop into conversion list, then just click the button to convert. ◆An advance option to add files recursively form subfolders into conversion list. ◆An advance option to maintain source directory hierarchy at destination with converted files in respective folders. ◆An advance option to order items in conversion list by source file name, file size, output name, status or manual. ◆An advance option to rename output files. ◆An advance option to convert all or selected files in the conversion list. ◆An advance option to show output folder in finder after conversion or not. SUPPORT: You can refer User Manual from menu "Help -> MOBI to EPUB Help” for any assistance or contact support. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about using our products at any time. Email: support@firmshell.com