OS X 10.8
* Create a pattern by repeating one of 40 shapes you select * MiPatterns is a desktop application that you can use to create an image full of simple figures. It comes with a built-in library of nearly four dozen code-generated shapes including circle, triangle, star, heart, diamond. Select one, and you can repeat it over a rectangular solid-color sheet they define. - Features - 1. Choose one of nearly four dozen shapes to repeat in order to create a pattern. 2. Insert two, three or any number of patterns to the same view sheet. 3. With Pattern List open, drag and move the selected shape to change layer places. 4. With Pattern List open, remove patterns from the view sheet. 5. Use Mini View to see the entire picture. 6. Save current progress as application's document file. Double-click on a document file to recover progress with one or more patterns inserted to the view sheet. 7. Save your settings for laying out the document and creating a pattern with a click of a button. Click on Load to load saved settings at any time. 8. Save the current view sheet as a picture your disk. 9. Select a file name over application's status menu to reveal the very file. 10.The application does not support the fullScreen mode. (It will be supported with V. 1.1.0 or higher.) 11.The application supports the retina screen. (tested with 2014 2.6 GHz 13" MacBook Pro) 12.Languages: English only. 13.Application file size: 11.7 MB. 14.The application comes with a built-in 14-page user guide. Choose Show Quick Tour under MiPatterns whenever you need to see it. - System requirements - 1. 10.8 (not tested), 10.9 (not tested), 10.10 (tested with 10.10.5), 10.11 (tested with 10.11.1) 2. 64-bit system - Limitations - 1. The document size must be at least 128 points x 128 points.