OS X 10.7
MeshRemote is a companion application for MeshRemote for iOS. It allows you to remote control the iPod music library on an iOS device(iPhone,iPad,iPod touch) from a Mac. The iOS device must be running the MeshRemote app. The following operations can be done on a iPod music library on a compatible iOS device running MeshRemote app from a Mac running MeshRemote -Play,Pause,Next, Previous -Seek -Volume control -Set repeat mode and shuffle -View the current playback queue associated with the currently playing item and choose to play items in that playback queue (OR) View items associated with the currently playing item depending on the context. - Search functionality (keyboard shortcut ⌘ F) - Index jump ( just press the corresponding alpha key on the keyboard) The following elements of the music library in the controlled device is visible in the remote controller -Playlists -Albums -Artists -Genres -Composers -Audio Books -Compilations -Podcasts -Songs -Album art of currently playing/paused item -Items related to the currently playing items. Requirements Mac with OS X Lion or above Network with Wi-Fi capabilities to allow the iPhone, iPod or iPad to communicate with the Mac running MeshRemote Network which allows UDP broadcasts on a port specified in the MeshRemote app settings. This port is user configurable. Limitations - Smart Playlists generated by the system may not function as expected if the playlist is as dynamic as "Recently Played" or "Top rated". -You cannot remote control items from the shared library in the controlled device