OS X 10.6.6
Memrey is a powerful collaborative note taking and bookmarking app. It is great for researchers and students, or anyone who needs to organize their thoughts and research. Memrey syncs your notes in real-time between all your devices. One of the best things about Memrey is how reactive it is. Information is synced with your devices as soon as new information is available. Multiple collaborators can edit a note in real-time. Memrey will tell you which edits different collaborators have made. Multiple collaborators can draw on a note in real-time You can add notepads and sort them into folders. Notepads hold both notes and bookmarks. You can start on the bookmark tab if you prefer. Search notes, bookmarks, create tags, dividers, lots of features to help you navigate your information fast. Take photos, add sketches, chat with collaborators, share your notepads, get notifications of collaborator updates. Attach files, and view pdf and Microsoft office documents in the app. Create a pdf of any individual note or an entire notepad. Your notes can turn into flash cards making it easier to study and remember information. There are lots more features in the app for you to check out! The interface is simple and clean. Try it out for free!