Me On A Pumpkin© turns any picture or image into a pumpkin carving stencil in minutes. It's easy to use and great fun for the whole family.
Simply load your digital picture or image. Crop, Rotate, Scale, Flip and Mirror if needed. Adjust the amount of detail to fit your carving comfort level – Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced. You will then see the parts that would fallout of the pumpkin if you were to start carving right there. This is a huge time saver! We turn those pieces bright Red, you just add pumpkin back to make sure you don't ruin your pumpkin!
You'll have all the tools you'll need to make a perfect Stencil. The Help file is available from every screen.
Some people use dots or lines to transfer the stencil to a pumpkin. Some don't. Some people shave the pumpkin in the dark to get special curve and depth effects and actually use the Fallout sections. When you are ready to print, you the choose to:
Add or remove dots
Add or remove lines
Combine or Remove both
Show Fallout
Directions. (For the "newbie" we offer pumpkin preparation and stencil transfer techniques.)
From Beginners to Advanced, this App has you covered.
Imagine, custom carved pumpkins of your:
Family Friends Pets
Cars Boats Selfies
Heroes Mascots Movie/TV Stars
Our customers have used Me the App to create custom pumpkins, gourds, eggs, watermelons, Christmas tree ornaments and more. The list is endless and limited only by your imagination.
Amaze your friends and neighbors tonight! It's really fun to carve a picture of yourself, stick a light in it, and say “Hey! That’s me on a pumpkin!”