Give your second grader a math boost. Mastery of core skills means moving on to new challenges with ease and confidence. Making it fun is a big bonus!
With the Math 2 On-Track program kids can practice counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s, adding and subtracting two- and three-digit numbers, sequencing numbers, working with place value, arranging object sets, multiplying, and more. This app “tracks” a child’s progress, color-coding correct/incorrect answers and giving them an at-a-glance review of their work. If they make a mistake they can select the red ants at the bottom of the screen and rework the problem. Combined with audio guidance, step-by-step instructions, and instant grading, Math 2 promotes self-paced learning. Colorful graphics, silly sound effects, and funny reward animations enhance the learning experience. A little “recess” is also built in! At intervals in the exercises, kids are rewarded with three alternating games: Snake Racer, Kangaroo Obstacle Course, and Howling Coyotes. Plus, a progress report can be printed at any time, as well as bonus exercise pages and a completion award certificate when finished.
•Audio guidance
•Visual examples
•Instant grading
•Positive reinforcement
•Reward animations
•Three fun games
•Randomized problems
•Early math terminology
•Printable report and certificate
•Factors and products
•Facts and fact families
•Two- and three-digit addition
and subtraction
•Place value
•Greater than/less than
•Numbers through 999
•Ones, tens and hundreds
•Skip counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s
Math 2
Ages 6-7
Grade 2
(U.S. English language & math conventions)