Mandolin Notes Finder

OS X 10.7
Learn or improve the sight reading of the notes, in any notations, on the Mandolin fretboard, using the app just a few minutes each day The app has 2 modes: 1. Notes Explorer 2. Notes Trainer The “Note Explorer” lets you find the music notes on mandolin in interactive way! When you point to a note on a virtual page, MandolinNotesFinder will show you where this note is on an mandolin and the other way around, if you click mandolin fretboard, you will see the corresponding note and hear the sound it makes. The “Note Trainer” asks for the notes showing you the frets and offers the full statistics to show where you are making mistakes, so you can measure progress in sight reading and see when you’ve exceeded your personal best. Here are the additional features of the App: 1. Intuitive and easy-to understand interface; 2. Full mandolin notes range with authentic sounds; 3. Built-in note sign ages: standard (A, B, C) as well as solfeggio (do, re, mi). 4. Treble clef and modes including flats and sharps; 5. Sound for every note being played; 6. The possibility to tune your mandolin using the string sounds on the note explorer page; 7. Displaying of the total time of training; 8. Retina display support.