MailChimp Import

OS X 10.9
MailChimp Import is a simple app that lets you export contacts from your Apple address book to your MailChimp subscriber list. Features - View all subscribers from Apple address book, including any pulled from Google Contacts, iCloud, and other sources - View groups from all sources - Move contacts to import drop zone via drag and drop - Use command + right arrow to move subscribers to the import drop zone - Use command + k to remove all contacts from the import drop zone - Use delete key to remove a contact from the import drop zone - Use command + z to undo actions - Select from account list menu of to choose list for importing contacts - Search contacts - Only imports Email, First name and Last name fields - Single opt-in import - Updates/overwrites existing data for First name and Last name fields. - View details of import result - Copy email addresses that failed to import to the clipboard --- ABOUT MAILCHIMP MailChimp helps you design email newsletters, share them on social networks, integrate with services you already use, and track your results. It's like your own personal publishing platform.