Magic Photo Raw

OS X 10.8
A) What the MagicRaw can do? 1) Extraordinary Picture(jpg ,png,tiff...) Enhancement , Reveal the hidden detail in the Pictures (Screen shot is the demo) 2)Amazing HDR Image Processing 3)Great Camera RAW Picture Converter, convert into jpg,png.... B) MagicRaw is a HDR and Camera RAW image Processing tool 1)Automatic Alignment of the photos 2)Create HDR photos with the look you want 3)Tone Mapping 4)Real estate photography 5)Support a lot of Raw Image Processing 6)It surpports most of RAW Image File: 7)i.e. CR2, RAW ,ARW,DNG,CRW,NEF,EXR,HDR... C) Three steps to try HDR photography 1)Take several photographs with different exposures 2)Merge the photos to HDR 3)Adjust the image with the HDR methods to get the style you want D)Raw Converter Convert the Camera Raw image into displayable images E)Any Suggestion send the email or give your advices in our support forum. we will respond in software development