Lyrics Presenter

OS X 10.6
IMPORTANT NOTE: Lyrics Presenter DOES NOT get the lyrics for you, it ONLY displays what has ALREADY been entered in iTunes. You are responsible for obtaining any necessary licenses associated with your intended use of Lyrics Presenter Lyrics Presenter displays the lyrics of the currently playing iTunes track (IF lyrics for the track have been manually entered in iTunes) on the screen in a resizable (optionally full-screen), customizable window. Designed for use with a projector, Lyrics Presenter is the ultimate tool for DJ'ing out of iTunes, sing-along gatherings for groups, or anywhere else where displaying the lyrics of the currently playing iTunes track is desired. If you have entered timing information in the songs, Lyrics presenter will even turn the pages for you! Features include: - Customizable text style/color - Automatic text resizing, within bounds set by the user - Pages split by paragraph - Full-screen mode - even on 10.7 with a secondary display. Allows lyrics to be full-screen on a projector, while leaving the primary display available for controlling iTunes - Recognizes time stamps in lyrics as [mm:ss] and automatically changes to the correct page at the correct time - configurable window color and transparency