Lover is a helpful heart that lives in your menu bar. Click the heart to open the menu, then mark what you’re listening to as a love-worthy song. Secondary-click to skip the menu and immediately love the song you’re listening to instead.
We wanted a quicker way to love a song in iTunes. We made it happen with Lover.
What does One-click to Love mean?
Turning this preference on makes loving your music even faster. In this mode, simply clicking the heart will mark the currently playing song as loved. Secondary-click opens the menu where you can view now playing information and toggle preferences.
What does the dotted heart mean?
Either iTunes isn’t open or nothing is playing. Clicking on the dotted heart will open iTunes so you can start listening to your favourite jams.
Do you support star ratings?
No stars, only love.
What version of iTunes do I need?
Lover is compatible with iTunes and above.