LocalizeTranslator is an app for taking Localizable.strings files and translating them instantly into any language in the correct format for use directly within Xcode!
Cut localization costs dramatically, and clearly present your app to the world market!
LocalizeTranslator Supports All API-supported Languages.
There are three different ways that you can use LocalizeTranslator.
1. Translate a Localizable.strings file
From the main window of LocalizeTranslator, you can take a Localizable.strings file that is in your language, and you can open it in LocalizeTranslator and convert it into any language. These files can then be dropped right into the Xcode lproj folders (appropriately named), or copied/pasted into the open files in Xcode.
2. Add New Strings to your existing localizations all at once in all languages
First, select the “Localize and Add Strings to Project” from the Tools menu. If you would like to add some new strings to your existing translations, all you need to do is select your Xcode project folder, and that folder should already contain some .lproj folders. Next, put in the language codes of the languages you would like to add the strings in. After that, copy and paste your strings into the strings to translate text view. Last, click the translate button, and watch your Xcode project magically gain all the new strings in every language.
3. Localize App Store Metadata
Select the “Localize Metadata” option from the Tools menu. From here, you can enter in all of the metadata from your app. Once it is entered, you can click “Save Metadata” so it is there on next app use. There are two main ways to localize your metadata: copying and pasting manually into App Store Connect, or you can use the Fastlane option.
LocalizeTranslator uses the Google Translate API *costs per character