instaLive Wallpaper is a live wallpaper and browser application for Instagram that combines Instagram photos into amazing looking collage/frames/shells.
Turn your desktop into Instagram wall with live, real-time Instagram feeds.
It provides an interesting way to view and appreciate Instagram photos in a variety of different layouts and styles. You can browse beautiful pictures by tag or by user. Apply photo filters for color enhancement and effects. Included is option for showing images from local folder, save collage or share collage on Facebook, Tumblr and Twitter.
Event planners can use instaLive Wallpaper, with projector to provide guests with updated eye-catching photos throughout an event. Just use Instagram hashtag that attendees can use, or photos from local disk for more formal event.
*** Will be shown only images from Instagram accounts that are public. ***
*** NO posting/uploading photos, because it is forbidden by Instagram. ***