
Intel 64 / OS X
$ 14.99
LightPaper is a simple, beautiful, powerful, yet free text editor for passionate writers. You can use LightPaper to write any kind of text documents -- blogs, articles, notes, ReadMe's, To-Do's, or the next chapter of your new novel. Its simple interface gets out of your way, allowing you to focus on writing. To remove distractions, you can switch to Distraction-Free Mode to completely immerse yourself in your current paragraph. It comes bundled with a handful of themes and beautiful fonts. You can also easily create your own themes or add existing ones. Features Built-in folder navigator Multi-tabs Markdown and MultiMarkdown support Live preview Built-in and custom styles for both editor and preview Distraction-free mode Quick open PDF/HTML/audio export GitHub flavored code-blocks support Math rendering support in output Syntax highlighting for code blocks