Lessons for Xcode 7

OS X 10.6
GET IT NOW AT 72% OFF THE REGULAR PRICE! Tutorials for Xcode 7 using Swift 2.0 with source code projects! Learn how to start making iOS 9 apps today for iPhone and iPad using Xcode 7! Lessons for Xcode 7 includes 30 how-to videos that teach you how to make your own apps from the ground up. Includes project source codes. Videos cover the basics of building apps with practical step-by-step examples. See the details you need to build your own successful apps you could submit to the app store. NEW! Learn iOS 9 Specific features: - Stack Views - Safari Services - 3D Touch - All examples use the Swift programming language! Lessons cover: - Xcode 7 and the IDE - Creating user interfaces on the Storyboard - Building your own "hello world" app - Adding subViews - Basic animations - Displaying images with ImageViews and UIImage - presenting View Controllers - UIWebView setup and loading - Building your own web browser - Displaying PDFs in your apps - Alert Controllers - Table View setup - Displaying images and detail text in table view cells - Create master-detail applications - Accessing the Camera - Accessing the photo roll - Saving images - Responding to touches - Gesture Recognizers - Picker Views - Tabbar Applications - Communication between views - Playing movies from remote URLs - Playing embedded movies - Playing movies in Watch OS applications - Error Handling - Playing audio files - Sharing text, images, and hyperlinks - Using Mapkit - NSDictionary and Mutable arrays - Saving data in plist files - 3D Touch - Safari Services - Stack Views - Creating a Mac OS X status bar application - Creating a Watchkit app Includes project source code for export. Follow along with source code while you watch the videos. c6cf1ef603