LEGO® The Incredibles

OS X 10.14
Before you buy, please expand this description and check that your computer matches or exceeds each of the requirements listed. Experience the thrilling adventures of the Parr family as they conquer crime and family life through both Disney-Pixar films, The Incredibles and Incredibles 2, in a LEGO world full of fun and humor. Explore action-packed story levels and an epic hub world, including the city of Municiberg, as you use your Super abilities to bring Villains to justice and wrestle with baby Jack-Jack’s unpredictable powers. You can also team up with family and friends in two-player co-op to assemble incredible LEGO builds! Important information regarding LEGO The Incredibles: The game is supported on the following Macs. To check your Mac model and when it was released, select 'About This Mac' from the Apple Menu on your menu bar. • All 13” MacBook Pros released since 2016 • All 15" MacBook Pros released since Late 2013 with a 2.3GHz processor and 1.5GB graphics card or better • All 21.5" iMacs released since Late 2013 with a 2.3GHz processor and 1.5GB graphics card or better • All 27” iMacs released since Late 2014 • All 27” iMac Pros released since Late 2017 • All Mac Pros released since Late 2013 • Minimum System Requirements: ◦ Processor: 2.3GHz ◦ RAM: 8GB ◦ Graphics: 1.5GB ◦ macOS: 10.14 ◦ Free Space: 16GB Check the Feral website for more detailed specifications. • This game is not currently supported on volumes formatted as Case-sensitive. LEGO THE INCREDIBLES software © 2018 TT Games Ltd. Produced by TT Games under license from the LEGO Group. LEGO, the LEGO logo, the Brick and the Knob configurations and the Minifigure are trademarks of the LEGO Group. © 2018 The LEGO Group. © Disney/Pixar. Developed for and published on macOS by Feral Interactive Ltd. macOS and the macOS logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Feral and the Feral logo are trademarks of Feral Interactive Ltd. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. WB GAMES LOGO, WB SHIELD: ™ & © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (s18)